How to Prevent Your Glasses from Fogging Up while Wearing a Protective Face Mask
There are over 143 million people in the world who wear corrective eyeglasses. If you are one of them, then you probably are asking yourself: how do I keep my eyeglasses from fogging up when wearing my face mask during COVID-19? Try some of these tips and tricks from NeoVision to avoid foggy glasses while wearing a face mask in keeping with the CDC’s guidelines. Find the best solution for you!

1. Make Sure You are Wearing Your Face Mask Properly
To help ensure your safety, it is important to wear your face covering properly. A mask that fits your face too loosely can lead to foggy glasses while also exposing you to harmful pathogens. Additionally, a mask that is uncomfortable or requires a lot of adjusting can result in you touching your face and increasing the spread of germs.
A face mask that securely and comfortably covers your nose and mouth will reduce these risks. Masks made with flexible pieces around your nose can be molded for a personalized fit that will also help prevent lens fog.
2. Secure Your Face Mask Over the Bridge of Your Nose
The more your mask is conformed around the bridge of your nose, the less warm air will escape from the area. Many people who struggle to keep their mask securely fitted use tape to seal the tops of the mask. Placing a small piece of tape just along the bridge of your nose will help direct hot air downwards, instead of toward the lenses of glasses.
It’s important to use a tape that won’t irritate your skin, so test different areas before applying the tape to your face. Medical-grade, double-stick fabric tape, or athletic tapes are the most commonly used to help secure your mask and reduce glasses fog.
3. Place a Tissue Under Your Face Mask
Placing a folded piece of facial tissue under your face mask, and along the bridge of your nose, can help absorb excess moisture. Try different folding methods and shapes before wearing it outside, to ensure it fits properly. Once you have found an arrangement that works best for you, tape the tissue in place so you’re not constantly touching your face or mask to adjust it.
4. Wash the Lenses of Your Glasses with Soap and Water
Washing your glasses with soapy water and letting them air dry can help reduce lens fog. The soap will leave behind a translucent film that repels the moisture from fogging your glasses. This is a temporary fix that you will need to perform throughout the day, but it is also necessary to wash your glasses with warm water and gentle soap to eliminate germs.
5. Direct Your Breathe Downward when Wearing Your Face Mask and Glasses
If you are in a pinch and have nothing on hand to help reduce glasses fog while wearing a face covering, simply direct your breathing downward. This will help prevent warm air and moisture from traveling up and out of your face mask, and on to your glasses. To direct your breath downward, just hold your upper lip over your bottom, like an exaggerated overbite. It might feel silly, but don’t worry, no one will be able to tell!
Schedule Your Eye Exam at NeoVision Eye Center in June 2020
Our team at NeoVisions Eye Center is dedicated to providing our Union City patients with the highest quality eye care. This includes continuing to act in accordance with current COVID-19 guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and local officials.
In alignment with these guidelines, we are excited to welcome you back for regular appointments starting June 1st, 2020! In the meantime please call our office with any non-emergency eye care questions at 510-431-5511.