
Looking for a Union City Optometrist? – Meet Dr. Pawanjot Kaur

Now Seeing Patients in Union City at NeoVision Eye Center!  At NeoVision Eye Center, we are proud to have a team of dedicated professionals who are not only passionate about their work but also committed to providing top-notch services to our valued patients. Today, we are thrilled to announce ...

close-up of a man using eye drops

Eye Drops Recalled in California after CDC Health Alert  

After cases of a rare drug-resistant bacteria were reported in users of Global Pharma Healthcare’s artificial tears, the CDC issued an emergency bulletin on January 31, 2023. Cases have been reported in twelve states, including California (CA, CO, CT, FL, NJ, NM, NY, NV, TX, UT, WA, WI). The preservative free ...

Grey-haired, smiling man and woman looking at laptop, with man holding glasses rather than wearing them.

How to Use Your FSA for LASIK Before the End of 2022

Your Guide to Using Your FSA for LASIK Eye Surgery in 2022 If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) through your work and find yourself with money left before the end of the year, LASIK can be great holiday gift to yourself. You can improve your vision and use your ...

child wearing glasses to protect against digital eye strain

6 Ways to Protect Your Child’s Eyes While Remote Learning

How to Protect Your Children from Digital Eye Strain During Remote Learning Due to COVID-19, the new school year is beginning with fully remote or hybrid curriculum models in place. It is becoming clear that screen-based instruction will be a reality for many children this semester. Even before remote learning, ...

Doctor with Open sign welcoming patients into the clinic

New Health and Safety Protocols at NeoVision Eye Center

Safety Protocols for NeoVision Staff and Patients During COVID-19 During the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and well-being of our patients, staff, and our doctors is our first priority at NeoVision Eye Center. Our team is dedicated to continuing to provide the highest quality care while also adhering to strict safety ...

close up of eye with the worlds covid-19 and coronavirus reflected in it

A Guide to Caring for Your Eyes During COVID-19

What You Should Know About Proper Eye Care and Your Health During COVID-19 Since the Coronavirus has interrupted most of our everyday lives, creating healthier habits has never been more important. In response, our expert eye care team has created an easy guide to help you properly care for your ...

women wearing a face mask with foggy glasses during covid-19

Tips For Avoiding Foggy Glasses While Wearing a Face Mask

How to Prevent Your Glasses from Fogging Up while Wearing a Protective Face Mask There are over 143 million people in the world who wear corrective eyeglasses. If you are one of them, then you probably are asking yourself: how do I keep my eyeglasses from fogging up when wearing my ...

Women rubbing her dry itchy eyes

6 Home Remedies to Soothe Dry Eye Symptoms

Relieve Symptoms of Dry Eye while Spending Extended Time at Home The last thing anyone needs right now is to feel physically uncomfortable, but around 5 million people in the U.S. struggle with irritating dry eye symptoms every day. Whether it is caused by allergies, an underlying eye condition, or ...

Document containing eye floaters diagnosis information with eyeglasses

Are Eye Floaters and Flashes Dangerous?

Noticing Floaters Or Flashes in Your Vision? Here's What You Need to Know! Floaters and flashes in the eye are completely normal to experience as we age and are typically not dangerous. But on rare occasions, these can be warning signs of something more severe. What are Eye Floaters? Eye ...

young women smiling and holding her hand in a heart shape around her eye

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy in 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Keep Your Eyes Healthy This Year Every year there are nearly one million eye infections that require a trip to the hospital in the United States. To avoid being apart of this scary statistic - or dealing with emergency medical bills - supporting your eye health ...

Headlight glare in rear view mirror. Night vision loss.

Night Vision Loss & What You Should Know

Difficulty seeing at night is a common problem that affects millions of Americans. So common in fact that many people simply learn how to live with it rather than trying to do something about it. The problem with treating night vision loss as an inconvenience or annoyance is that we ...

Fist crushing multiple cigarettes.

5 Ways Smoking Harms Your Vision

A well-known, highly studied, and widely confirmed fact: Cigarette smoke is destructive. Smoking is the single greatest avoidable cause of disease and premature death in the United States. Brimming with thousands of toxic chemical compounds ranging from carcinogens, heavy metals, and poisons that cause damage to every organ our bodies, ...

Neovision Eye Center Staff

A Message From Dr. Shobha Tandon

I would like to thank you all for your support and trust in our practice over the years. NeoVision Eye Center has been seeing patients in both our locations, Mountain View and Union City, for over the last 20 years! During this time, we have&...

2017 Solar Eclipse Eye Safety

How to Keep Your Eyes Safe During a Solar Eclipse

The Great American Total Solar Eclipse will occur on Monday, August 21st.  This rare phenomenon is a sight to see- there hasn’t been a perfect solar eclipse to stretch across the entire United States since 1918, and there will not be another until 2045. For those looking to enjoy one ...

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