Cosmetic Surgery

A woman with hazel eyes points a finger to her droopy eyelids

What is an Eyelid Lift? (Blepharoplasty)

Our body’s natural collagen production gradually declines as we age, causing our skin to lose firmness and elasticity. This often leads to droopy, sagging skin, which can be particularly noticed on the eyelids and can even cause irritation. An eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, is a simple surgical ...

Close up of wart / skin tag on eyelid.

Benefits of Cosmetic Radiosurgery

Cosmetic Radiosurgery Mole and Skin Growth Removal Treatment When it comes to cosmetic surgery, these days, we have more options than ever. While, in the past, we might’ve been forced to learn to mask, conceal, or simply embrace certain imperfections, these days, we have actionable ways to get rid ...

Close up of a man's face who has Ptosis, drooping upper eyelid

Upper Eyelid Surgery Aftercare and Healing

What to Expect After Having Ptosis Surgery for Upper Eyelid Drooping Ptosis is a medical condition that causes the upper eye skin to droop over the eye. This condition can affect either one or both of the eyelids and is either developed at birth, or it can develop as you ...

close up of the pterygium during eye examination

7 Common Questions About Pterygium

Pterygium: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Are you experiencing irritation or dryness in your eye? Do you notice a spot on your eye that wasn’t there before? If so, there’s a chance that you could have pterygium. In this guide, we answer the most common questions about pterygium ...

what eye floaters look like

What Causes Eye Floaters in My Vision?

If you have noticed little dots, or squiggles in your vision, that seem to float away when you try to focus on them directly, those are most likely eye floaters.  The Most Common Cause of Eye Floaters Our eyes are contained by a jelly-like substance made of tiny cells ...

Laser Eye Surgery

7 Questions to Ask Your LASIK Surgeon

Ask These Important Questions Before Your LASIK Laser Eye Surgery If you are considering ditching your eye glasses and contact lenses for a more permanent solution, LASIK laser eye surgery may be perfect for you. Approved by the FDA in 1999, LASIK is the most popular refractive eye surgery worldwide. In ...

Close-up of a senior man's eye

How to Spot the 4 Most Common Age-Related Eye Conditions

What Are the Most Common Age-Related Eye Conditions? As we age, our eyes naturally change and can become weaker. If not detected and cared for early on, age-related eye conditions can eventually lead to permanent vision loss. In fact, it is estimated that over one million people over the age ...

Mature Woman Looking At Mirror And Touching Face

3 Cosmetic Eye Surgeries to Help You Look Younger

Our Most Requested Cosmetic Services to Reverse the Signs of Aging and Look Younger Instantly Aging affects our faces differently, but for many it leaves us looking tired or older than we actual feel. Your face is how you greet the world, and when you start to notice signs of ...

half of elderly womans face with speckles of light behind her head

4 Questions About Floaters and Flashes

Things You Should Know About Floaters and Flashes As you get older, you may notice trouble developing with your vision. Blurriness, difficulty seeing far or near objects, and other conditions might be the result of aging or caused by more serious issues. While you should schedule an eye exam every ...

close up of woman with blue eyes suffering from eye allergies

Eye Allergies: Symptoms and Prevention

Dealing with an eye allergy can be the last thing you want to add to your already busy day. General itchiness and dry eyes are more than annoying, but pink eye and swelling?! Now that's just too much! If you suffer from eye allergies, never fear- More than six million ...


What is Pterygium and How Do I Treat It?

What is a Pterygium? Pterygium, also known as Surfer’s Eye, is a benign eye growth that covers the white part of the eye (also known as the sclera). This small, elevated eye web typically starts at the conjunctiva: the membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the white of ...

Ophthalmologist Dr. Tandon Smiling

Pterygium Removal Surgery

During pterygium removal surgery, the good eye is covered, while the problematic eye is given a numbing and sterilizing drop, an anesthetic gel and then an injection to completely numb it. As the surgeon starts to work on getting the graft, more drops or gel can be added if the ...

Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is a progressive, often irreversible deteriorating eye disease that causes damage to the central part of the retina at the back of the eye, known as the macula. This critical component allows us to clearly see in fine detail.  When the macula becomes damaged, it ...

Cosmetic Radio-Surgery

Cosmetic Radio-Surgery

Cosmetic radio-surgery is an advanced technology used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as moles, warts and other undesirable blemishes. We at NeoVision use the latest technology to ensure safe and effective removal of moles, warts and skin lesions. Instead of using a scalpel, radio waves do the ...

Secondary Lens Implants after

Secondary Lens Implants

For people who have had their lens removed because of cloudy vision, often due to cataracts, doctors at NeoVision Eye Center can insert secondary lens implants. This secondary lens implantation procedure involves the use of a synthetic lens that can be surgically inserted on the eye to replace the damaged ...

Vision Exam

Eye Exams and Eye-Care Options

Our eyes provide us with the primary filter through which we perceive the world. There is no mistaking the importance of sight in our daily life. This is why taking the appropriate steps to ensure our eyes are working properly is critical. At NeoVision Eye Center, your eye exam consists ...


Pterygium Ocular Lesion Detection and Treatment

A pterygium lesion is an elevated superficial mass that generally forms over the white part of the eye and can extend on the corneal surface. This growth is benign and is often shaped like a wedge. Most cases of this growth don’t cause any issues and often require no ...

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration Treatment

Age-related macular degeneration is a gradual loss of ability in our eyes that prevents us from seeing clearly. This condition is the leading cause of severe vision loss in adults over the age of 50. The disease is brought on by changes in the small portion of the retina called the ...

Retinal Detachment Mountain View

Retinal Detachment and Scleral Buckling Treatment

The part of the eye that lines its back and is sensitive to light is known as the retina. This specific feature of the eye converts light rays into interpretations of images that allow us to see. In some cases, the retina can peel off the back of the eye ...

Lasik Eye Surgery Mountain View

LASIK Eye Vision Correction Surgery

At the Neovision Eye Center in Union City, Dr. Shobha Tandon offers a vision-correction technique called Lasik eye surgery, which uses laser energy to eliminate the need for contacts or corrective glasses. This form of correction is called refractive surgery, and it works by reshaping the eye’s outer curvature, ...

Cataracts Mountain View

Cataracts Diagnosis and Treatment

As we get older, our risk for incurring vision problems increases. One of the more common issues associated with age-related vision loss is cataracts. There are over 20 million Americans over the age of 39 who suffer from this terrible affliction. Symptoms of cataracts generally include blurred vision and light sensitivity, which ...

Glaucoma Mountain View

Glaucoma Eye Disease Treatment

A common eye disease that many of us will experience as we move into the twilight years is glaucoma. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this disease that damages the optic nerve, which connects the eyes to the brain. However, Dr. Shobha Tandon at Neovision Eye Center can implement ...

Lazy Eye Amblyopia

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Treatment

Amblyopia is the technical term used to describe a lazy eye. This issue stems from how the brain interprets visual images from either one or both eyes. Kids with this condition can fall behind in their school and struggle in a variety of ways. In some cases, the problem is ...

Eyelid Surgery Mountain View

Eyelid Surgery — Ptosis Mountain View Blepharoplasty

Ptosis is a condition that affects the upper eyelids. It’s recognized by excessive drooping of the eyelid that partially covers the pupil. This condition is treatable with eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, provides a surgical solution to ptosis by removing excess skin on and above the eyelid as ...

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